Term 1:
Research has started and ongoing in the PyGame library as well as setting up development envirnoment to start
work on the first games. Work on the website for pages and everything else relating to the project has been setup and is ready
to go as well. The practice/sample game has been setup.
At the end of this paragraph there is a link to the full summary of term 1 as a pdf file.
Term 2:
During this term the creation of the first game has been completed. The game is Flappy Bird, which was a popular mobile game around 2014-2015.
In making this game from scratch the skills learned duing term 1 and term 2 have been used and shown in the making of the game.
At the end of this paragprah there is a link to the full summary of term 2 as a pdf file better explaining in detail all of the research done.
Mid Term:
This term is a summary that includes all previous research and the research done over the past 2 weeks.
During the past two weeks the game Pong was created with the capability of AI in the game therefore the player
can play against the game itself. The AI is very simple, but is the foundation for the final game of the research project.
Below is a button to link to a pdf that shows a detailed summary about the terms.
This is the final research paper as there were no terms after the midterm for research follow-ups. This paper goes over everything that was research and done over the course of this semester. This goes in detail about all the code throughout the three games that were made this semester. Below is a button to link to a pdf that shows the entire document.