// // Dirver to use TimeType // class TestTimeType { public static void main(String[] args) { TimeType now; now = new TimeType(); now.set(13, 35, 0); now.writeOut(); System.out.println(); now.increment(); now.increment(); //now.increment(); // increased by 3 sec. now.writeOut(); TimeType x = new TimeType(); x.set(13, 35, 3); if(now.equal(x)) System.out.println("\nNow and x are the same.\n"); else System.out.println("\nNow and x are different.\n"); TimeType y = new TimeType(); y.set(13, 35, 2); if(now.equal(y)) System.out.println("\nNow and y are the same.\n"); else System.out.println("\nNow and y are different.\n"); System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\n\n"); } }