"Be Anxious for Nothing "Website Outline/ Progress
Outline of page:
- First pg will contain links will all avalible pages. Links include:
- about pg (2/2/2020)
- the type of anxiety disorders
- the options to treat anxiety
- theary locations(hampton roads) page
- a page for users to submit useful tips/ anxiety managment techniques
- an admin page for tables sensitive information
- The About Page
- (2/2/2020)States the purpose of the page
- (2/5/2020)Types of Anxiety Page
- description of 6 common anxiety disorders
- includes signs and symtoms
- contains video
- each disorder will contain links to other pages that provide more info about
each illness
- List of options page (2/15/2020)
- Contains a brief decribtion of each option
- Each option will have links below them that will expand on each topic
- Techniques you can do at home to reduce anxiety
- Link with have seprate page that educates users on types Techniques
(Reframing,Breathing,pointing out congnative distortions,etc.)
- Therapy (2/25/2020)
- Link with have seprate page that educates viewers on type of therapy avalible
- a table will be created to list recommended therapy for each disorder
- User will be able to narrow the search of the table
- Discussion about taking medications (3/5/2020)
- Link with have seprate page that educates users on types of medications (SSRIs, SNRIs,TCAs,ect.)
and what they do chemically
- We will encourage to talk to their doctor about using medication along with Therapy
- Location page(3/10/2020)
- Table of local therapy facilities in Hampton Roads
- user can narrow search based on city
- Submit tips
(4/11/2020 )
- Table of anxiety tips that users submit for the public
- Admin login
- Shows table of names and email addresses for news letters
- Admin can update other tables on website
- Admin can delete comments in tips table
- Admin can enter new comments in tips table