Link to the application:
My reseaerch project is developing an Oracle database application using Oracle Application Express (APEX). The application's function is to be a databse for storing sales data for a company. The nature of the data is factoids about the sales climate. Users will be split into three groups. The Admin, will have the ability to change anything inside the application. The other two classes of users will be the content creators who will be able to update the database using forms, and the readers, which are sales representatives for the company.
Update: The framework for the application is mostly completed.I have not decided on how I would like to handle the creation of new entries into the database. One way to do this is through creating a seperate form in the application that handles the creation of new data. The other way is to grant access to certain users to add data live in the table itself. The first way is most likely the correct route for this type of application because it does not allow for any unwanted data manipulation. I have been working on writing the script for the authentication scheme script for the login of users. Features of the authentication scheme are a hashed password for maximum security, as well as usernames that are case sensitive. different complexities can be added into the scheme such as requirements concerning the use of special characters in the password.