This is my CS489 Project Page

The Goal of this research project is to learn more about the Netbeans GUI for Java by creating A simple POS Sytem that could theoretically be implemented by a small business This page contains a link to download the EXE installer for my project which you should be able to run from any compute(you may have to work with your computer's security because it is not recognized as a safe file, although I assure you it is very safe.) This page also contains some descriptions on some aspects of my projct and screenshots.

This is my project as it currently is, I will try to update it every week or so. Link to Project Installer

When completed, the user will be able to log into the POS system as a regular employee or as an administrator which will allow the admin full access to the system and the employee will be able to make sales. The admin will be able to edit the inventory and view reports of past sales. Last Update: April 12, 2017.
My next upcoming tasks for the project:(Not necessarily in order)

1.Input Validation wherever needed and debugging

2. Make a drop down menu for when searching for items to add to sale

3.Make more visually pleasing

4. Add a place to describe the item in the inventory further


OpenScreen inventoryScreen inventory Sales cred