TITLE Sum up two integers (SumUpTwo.asm) ; out a greeting ; Last update: 10/17/17 ; INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .data int1 BYTE "Input the first integer: ", 0 int2 BYTE "Input the second integer: ", 0 ans BYTE "The result is: ", 0 .code main PROC MOV EDX, offset int1 call WriteString call ReadInt ; EAX = int1 call dumpregs call WriteDec ; out int1 MOV EBX, EAX ; EBX = int1 as temp storage ;--------------------------------------- call crlf call crlf MOV EDX, offset int2 call WriteString call ReadInt ; EAX = int2 call dumpregs call WriteDec ; out int2 call crlf call crlf ADD EAX, EBX ; EAX += EBX ; out the reult MOV EDX, offset ans call WriteString call WriteDec call crlf call crlf exit main ENDP END main